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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS
  • Workshop

Governing through the storm: institutional change in testing times

Data 09.02.2022 orario

Via Cardinale Maffi , 56100 PI Italia

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9.00 - 9.15  Presentation of the workshop
9.15 -10.45 The European Union: engaging citizens?
  • The policy agenda of the European Commission – Edoardo Bressanelli (Sant'Anna School)
  • Behavioural insights and the Commission’s policy making – Marianna Baggio (European Commission, Joint Research Centre)
  • The impact of populism on the EU institutions – Carlo Berti (Università di Trento)
  • The policy responsiveness of the EU political system – Michele Scotto (University of Exeter)
Chair: Mattia Guidi (Università di Siena)
11.15 – 12.45 Beyond the polycrisis: the resilience of the EU
  • Changing EU institutions – Uwe Puetter (EUF)
  • Experts and decision-making in the EU – Thomas Christiansen (LUISS)
  • The impact of the EU crises – Nathalie Brack (ULB)
Chair: David Natali (Sant’Anna School)
14.15-15.45 The pandemic and the populist challenge in Italy and comparatively
  • Governments responses to the pandemic: depoliticised and executive-driven? – Mads Dagnis Jensen (CBS)
  • Constitutional law and populism - Giuseppe Martinico (Sant’Anna School)
  • Technocracy and populism in Italy from Conte to Draghi – Luca Verzichelli (University of Siena)
Chair: Anna Loretoni (Sant’Anna School)